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We aim to create lifelong learners and our focus is to ensure that all children make excellent progress from their starting points. 

Our vision is for every child to be achieving happily - we look to ensure this through considering the following key areas:  


Our extended curriculum provides memorable learning experiences to broaden every  child’s knowledge and understanding of the world. 

Nurture and safety

The safety of all our children is paramount. We nurture development of the whole child in order to enhance their life opportunities. We are committed to ensuring every child’s pastoral needs are met, and that their wellbeing is prioritised. 


Reflective thinking

We equip every child with the ability to think critically, creatively and reflectively and to understand how they learn best in order to become confident, independent, lifelong learners.


Positive relationships

At Wentworth we know and understand our children.  All of our pupils achieve in an environment that encourages strong personal relationships between all members of the community built on trust, mutual respect and a genuine desire for each child to be successful. 



Children recognise that they are part of a local and global community and work to understand the importance of our role to address local and global issues. 



We have a carefully planned curriculum to ensure all of our children have a balanced experience that allows them to gain skills and knowledge to become good future citizens. Reading underpins our whole curriculum and we promote a love of reading across our school. Within the curriculum, all children will learn valuable life skills which are woven into the school day.

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